DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076
- Editorial, i
- Links for postgraduate study, iii
- Letter to the Editor, vi
Notices from the Society
- Officers and Local Representatives, 1
- Applying for IMS Membership, 2
- M. Mackey IMS President's Report 2015, 4
DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076.4.5
- Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 25 August 2015, 6
- S. Wills The 28th Annual IMS Scientific Meeting, 5--6 September 2014, 11
Reports of Sponsored Meetings
- R. Aron Infinite Dimensional Function Theory, UCD, 8-9 January, 17
- A. Cronin Irish Maths Learning Support Network 9th Annual Workshop, UCD, 29 May, 18
- B. Kreussler Thirteenth Irish Geometry Conference, MIC Limerick, 15-16 May, 20
Abstracts of PhD Theses
- S. J. Burns Theoretical and numerical analysis of rigid-body impacts with friction, 25
DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076.25.26
- J. G. Donohue Mathematical models of seasonally migrating populations, 27
DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076.27.28
- R. Egan Topics in cocyclic development of pairwise combinatorial designs, 29
DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076.29.30
- A. L. Gower Incremental elastic surface waves and static wrinkles, 31
DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076.31.32
- J. McTigue Completions of partial matrices, 33
DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076.33.34
- T. A. Nhan Preconditioning techniques for singularly perturbed differential equations, 35
DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076.35.36
- P. J. Browne 3D Printing a Root System, 37
DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076.37.43
- J. A. Cima, W.R. Derrick, L. V. Kalachev The Maximum for $\Delta u+f(u)=0$ on an Isosceles Triangle, 45
DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076.45.54
- P. Danchev A New Characterization of Boolean Rings with Identity, 55
DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076.55.60
- M. Flanagan Ireland's Participation in the 56th International Mathematical Olympiad, 61
DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076.61.76
- D. MacHale Boolean Rings are Definitely Commutative!, 77
DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076.77.78
Book Reviews
- R. Harte D. Rosenthal et al.: A Readable Introduction to Real Mathematics, 79
DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076.79.81
- D. Hurley Cedric Villani: The Birth of a Theorem: A Mathematical Adventure, 82
DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076.82.86
- D. Spearman David Attis: Mathematics and the Making of Modern Ireland, 87
DOI: 10.33232/BIMS.0076.87.90
Problem Page
- I. Short (editor) Problem Page, 91