- Editorial, 1
- Amended constitution, 2
- Important message to members, 5
- Minutes of IMS meeting 20.12.91, 7
- G. J. Murphy Partially ordered groups, 11
- F. Gaines How to compose a problem for the International Mathematical Olympiad?, 20
- D. J. Evans The use of the computer in Mathematics teaching, past history - future prospects, 30
- R. Gow Cauchy's matrix, the Vandermonde matrix and polynomial interpolation, 45
- J. B. Twomey Some questions concerning the valence of analytic functions, 53
- G. M. Enright On a question posed by Graham Higman, 57
Book Reviews
- D. W. Lewis Quadratic and hermnitian forms over rings by Max-Albert Knus, 68
- L. Fehér Classical charged particles by F. Rohrlich, 71