ICEDIM Seminars

Date: Wednesday, February 14 2024 at 15:00
Speaker: Professor Pauline Mellon, University College Dublin
Title: A Century of Holomorphic Iteration
Location: Online via Zoom (recording available on request)

Let $Z$ be a complex Banach space with open unit ball $B$ and let $f$ be a holomorphic self-map of $B$. We are interested in the behaviour of the sequence of iterates of $f$. This problem has been studied now for a century, from approximately 1917 onwards, since seminal works in the complex plane by Julia, Fatou, Denjoy, Wolff and others. This seminar aims to present certain strands of the historical development of the topic over the past 100 years. We outline, in particular, developments over the last two decades and conclude with some recent results of Mackey and Mellon.


Pauline Mellon is a Professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at University College Dublin. She works in pure mathematics, in complex analysis on bounded symmetric domains in infinite dimensional Banach spaces. A special focus of her research has been iteration of holomorphic functions on domains in both finite and infinite dimensions. She is a past President of the Irish Mathematical Society and was a member of the Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Sciences Committee of the Royal Irish Academy for many years.

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