10:15 Registration, Tea/ Coffee
11:15 Welcoming address by Professor Peter Roebuck, Provost, University of Ulster, Coleraine
11:25 Dr. C. Nash, President Irish Mathematical Society, Opening Remarks
11:30 Professor Ralph Henstock (University of Ulster, Coleraine)
Calculus and the Guage Integral
12:20 Dr. Conor Houghton (University of Cambridge)
12:50 Lunch
2:00 Professor Kenneth Houston (University of Ulster, Jordanstown)
Embedding Key Skills in The Undergraduate Mathematics Courses
2:30 Dr. P Muldowney (University of Ulster, Magee)
Feynman's Path Integrals and Henstock's Non-Absolute Integration
3:00 Dr. Micheal Mac an Airchinnigh (Trinity College, Dublin)
Fundamental Models of State Change in Programming
3:30 Tea/ Coffee
3:45 Professor George Gettinby (University of Strathclyde)
Mathematics for the Control of Animal Diseases – A Trip to the
4:35 Dr. Charles Nash (St. Patrick's College, Maynooth)
The Dirac Operator in Loop Space and Central Extensions
5:15 Close of Session
7:00 Conference Reception Bannview Dining Room
7:30 Conference Banquet Bannview Dining Room
10:00 Dr. A. K. Seda (University College, Cork)
Generalised Ultrametrics, Domains and an Application of Computer
10:30 Tea/ Coffee
10:45 Dr. Stephen O'Brien (University of Limerick)
Mathematical Modelling of Industrial Problems
Mr. Kamal Abodayeh (University College, Cork)
Topological Chaos
Dr. Richard Timoney (Trinity College, Dublin)
Positivity of Elementary Operators
12:35 Lunch
2:00 Professor David Epstein (University of Warwick)
Learning by Doing: Beginning Analysis
2:50 Dr. Fernando Blasco (Universidad Politechnica de Madrid)
Grothendieck's BB Problem
3:20 Dr. David McSherry (University of Ulster, Coleraine)
Inferring Football Scores (in retrospect) as a Constraint Satisfaction
3:50 Tea/ Coffee
4:05 Dr. Brian McMaster (Queen's University Belfast)
The Real Line and Transfinite Induction
Dr. Pijush Ojha (University of Ulster, Jordanstown)
Enumeration of Linear Threshold Functions
5:25 End of Conference