All talks will take place in Aras na Laoi 8 (AL8)
* * *
10.30 | Registration and Coffee |
11.00 | Welcome address by Dr Gerard Wrixon, President, University College Cork |
11.10 | Alexei Pokrovskii, University College
Cork Equations with hysteresis nonlinearities: what does it mean, and why bother? |
12.00 | Tom Brady, Dublin City University The linearity of the braid groups |
12.30 | James Gleeson, University College Cork Microscale fluid mixing |
1.00 | LUNCH in Staff Restaurant |
2.30 | Albert Baernstein, University of Washington, St. Louis The stretch conjecture for Lipschitz functions in the plane |
3.20 | Stephen Wills, University College Cork Matrices versus tensor products: an application of operator spaces |
4.10 | Imre Leader, University of Cambridge Partition regularity |
5.00 | Maria Meehan, University College Dublin Mathematics by Example |
6.00 | RECEPTION |
9.30 | Stephen Gardiner, University College Dublin Poisson kernels, sets of determination, and approximation on the boundary |
10.20 | COFFEE BREAK |
10.45 | Peter Kennedy, University College Cork Emerging applications of Mathematics in Microelectronics |
11.35 | John Lewis, Communications Network Research
Institute, Dublin Institute of Technology Large deviation theory in perspective |
12.25 | LUNCH |
1.00 to 1.45 | Annual General Meeting of Irish Mathematical Society |
2.00 | Albert Baernstein, University of Washington, St. Louis Recent work related to the Bloch and Landau covering constants |
2.40 | Pat McCarthy, NUI Maynooth The geometry of reproducing kernels |
3.10 | David Walsh, NUI Maynooth Criteria for membership of the mean Lipschitz classes |
4.00 | Tom Laffey, University College Dublin |
4.15 | Imre Leader, University of Cambridge |
4.30 | Dave Flannery, Cork Institute of Technology |
4.45 | Des MacHale, University College Cork |
5.00 | Discussion |
5.20 | Close of meeting |
For further information on the programme, and any other queries please contact either
Tom Carroll ( or Donal Hurley (
Last updated July 13, 2002. This page was created by Jo Goodyear and is maintained by Stephen Wills